Niki Khanna MA, LMFT is a therapist and educator in the Bay Area, CA.
Her focus is working within the Queer, Trans and Intersex communities. She is also a certified Sexual Health Educator and has spent over 20 years working in Sex Education, Sexual Assault and Rape Prevention Education as well as Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Education. She identifies as a Femme, Intersex, and POC. She is passionate about finding ways to use the skills she has developed to contribute to the Intersex community. She provides workshops and mental health support to both the AIS-DSD Support Group and InterAct, two of the largest Intersex support and advocacy organizations in the country. Her current projects are developing practical training modules for mental health providers working with Intersex clients and their families and writing/editing a chapter focused on Intersex for a forthcoming textbook on trauma within the
LGBTIAQ+ communities.