Please be sure to complete your registration within the next two weeks, but if you need more time to register, let us know immediately. Upon registration, you will have 1 year to complete the course. If you do not complete the course in 1 year, you will lose your previous course progress and be required to purchase the course again in order to complete it.
Most of our courses come with CE’s. To find out if a course has CE’s and what type(s) of CEs are available, review each course description. Some courses do not offer CE’s.
To access your Continuing Education (CE) certificate, please follow these steps:
Continue Education (CE) are sent out by the end of the first week of the month. If you need yours sooner, please submit an inquiry to the leadership team as soon as possible and we will do our best to get it to you sooner!
Instructors can be reached while you are enrolled in the course. Contact information is provided after you have completed registration.
Sometimes the solution can be as simple as using a new browser. Sometimes it’s more complicated. If you are having issues with accessing your course or problems with the site, email [email protected]
Start on the main The gender U page:
Two-Part, digital access to download material is on the first welcome within the course. You can revisit the course to download the materials. Typically, every registered student will receive their hardcopy workbook within 1-2 weeks of registering for the course. If you have not received it in the mail, please let us know so we can get that as soon as possible.
The Gender U provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. The typical accommodations provided for our courses is accessible course materials and closed captioning for videos, but please note this is not a comprehensive list as accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis. Since important course announcements will be communicated via email, you are required to have an active email address linked to The Gender U platform. Please make sure to check your email for any updates from about the online platform. The Gender U instructors and staff will check emails at least once per day and respond to email as soon as we can to make the course as accessible as possible. To request accommodations, please email the support team via [email protected] so we can provide the best learning experience possible.